
Have Meg Ryan and Tim Robbins been having a secret affair?

Hope For Haiti Now: A Global Benefit For Earthquake Relief held in Los Angeles
This week’s Star Magazine has what I found to be a pretty disturbing article that claims that Meg Ryan and Tim Robbins were having an affair while Robbins was still with his longterm partner, Susan Sarandon. Sarandon, 63, has of course moved on to a much younger guy, Jonathan Bricklin, 31, while we haven’t heard much about Robbins’ activities post split. If Star Magazine is to be believed, and they usually aren’t, Robbins has been carrying on with former romcom sweetheart Meg Ryan for years. I’m hoping this story is based on a photo of Robbins and Ryan sitting next to each other while answering phones at the telethon for Haiti. The two starred together in the 1994 movie I.Q. and are likely to have been friends for a long time.

Did Tim Robbins’ secret affair with Meg Ryan help doom his two-decade partnership with Susan Sarandon?…

Star can reveal that behind Susan’s back, Tim, 51, had been quietly hooking up with… Meg [Ryan] off and on for years! “Tim is thrilled that he doesn’t have to sneak around anymore,” says a source. “He’s making it more serious with Meg. He’s even been staying at her L.A. home, on occasion, for months now.”

Still, he and Meg, 48… are in no rush to go public. “Meg worries she’ll be seen as a homewrecker,” says the source. “She’s wanted to keep the relationship under wraps for as long as possible!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, February 15, 2010]

If more reputable outlets carry this story it might gain some weight. As it is, I’m thinking that Star is hedging their bets by claiming that Meg and Tim are trying to keep their alleged romance under wraps. Plus if that was the case, why did they sit next to each other at the telethon then? It just doesn’t add up. Meg has a history of hooking up with her co-stars though: Dennis Quaid in the early 90s, Russell Crowe in 2000. It’s possible she had something going with Robbins in 1994, which was about six years after Robbins got together with Sarandon and during Ryan’s marriage to Quaid. Maybe the two have had a torch for each other for years. Or maybe Tim and Meg are together now and the relationship grew naturally from friendship and didn’t begin until after Robbins and Sarandon broke up. With Star, you never know if a story is accurate, partially true or just wishful thinking.

The photos below are from 2001.

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Valeria Galgano

Update: 2024-05-14