
January Jones: I knew I would be raising my son alone, I was prepared

I know I’m like a broken record at this point, but I LOVE’s online magazine The Edit. They have amazing stylists and good photographers and they’re doing some of the best celebrity editorials and interviews these days, better than most print magazines. January Jones is the newest cover girl for The Edit, and I’m including some of her best photographs ever! They managed to shoehorn her into some lovely dresses and they posed her in interesting ways. Of course, she still looks like a stone-cold icy bitch, but that’s just who she is. She owns that. You can read the full interview here and here are some highlights:

Why she’s not on Twitter: “As an actor, if people know too many things about you they won’t believe you in a certain character. You don’t want people to have a preconceived idea of who you are.”

On not revealing her son’s paternity: “It’s just not something the public needs to know. I don’t divulge my sexual preferences. There are parts of your life – no matter what your job – that should remain private. When I was starting out, other actors advised me to keep certain things close to the vest. When you become a public figure people want to know everything about you, and then [they] pick it apart – it becomes negative. When my son asks those questions, I want him to [hear it from me]. I don’t want him to be able to Google it.”

On pregnancy: It was the “most healthy and peaceful I have ever felt”, and she can’t imagine parenthood any other way. “I don’t have room for anything else, so I don’t know how I would have done it with a partner. I knew I would be raising my son alone. It was something I went in to knowingly, I was prepared mentally – and I was excited about it.”

Her modeling past: “I didn’t like modeling. The greatest thing I took from [it] was self-appreciation: I was good at dealing with disappointment. You go on 10 go-sees a day, so when I got to LA and started auditioning, I was used to rejection.”

On the end of Mad Men: “It will be very sad. We are all so close that we will keep in touch, but I don’t think we will ever have this kind of experience again – from the relationships we’ve made to the success we have had, to the cultural impact [of the show].”

Happily ever after: “I am supposed to say I’d like Betty to find happiness or end up with Don, but I think that would be unrealistic. People just don’t end up with the happily ever after, you have your good and bad days. I am not sure Betty is the type of person who, when faced with what would make her happy, would be able to recognize it.”

[From The Edit]

Much like January’s New York Times interview earlier this week, I do have to give her respect for being able to completely avoid commenting or dropping clues about her son’s paternity. I mean, except for the biggest clue of all, the name “Xander” and how the boy looks. As for “I don’t divulge my sexual preferences” – she divulges them all the time, whenever she climbs on top of a married man or an engaged man. Her “sexual preferences” are “dudes wearing wedding rings”.

Photos courtesy of The Edit.


Tisa Delillo

Update: 2024-05-14